How to Taste Wine: The Palate Test "Acidity"
Novel Wines with Yaz and Ben has just gone live! Our all new wine web series, starring broadcast journalist Yasmin Cooke as she ventures into the world of wine, kickstarts with The Palate Test. Presenting with award-winning wine writer and Novel Wines co-founder Ben Franks, Yaz and Ben explore acidity in this first episode.
The Palate Test is all about learning what to look for in a good bottle of wine. Acidity, body and sweetness are the building blocks of a balanced white wine. By associating these things with fruit, milk and sugar we can get a better understanding of wine when we're new to it.
You can do the Palate Test at home and follow the video. All you need for Acidity training is an orange, grapefruit, lemon and a lime. Watch below for what to do next: